Deep freeze: Trump leaves US diplomats with little to offer Pacific

Paris climate treaty exit, defunding WHO and foreign aid suspension strikes blow to US in Pacific as “trusted friend.”
Commentary by Tess Newton Cain
Deep freeze: Trump leaves US diplomats with little to offer Pacific Then Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump with then Senator Marco Rubio, now U.S. secretary of state, during an election campaign rally in Raleigh, North Carolina. Pictured on Nov. 4, 2024.
Evan Vucci/AP Photo

It didn’t come as a surprise to see President Donald Trump sign executive orders to again pull out of the Paris Agreement, or from the World Health Organization, but the immediate suspension of U.S. international aid has compounded the impact beyond what was imagined possible.

The slew of executive orders signed within hours of Trump re-entering the White House and others since have caused consternation for Pacific leaders and communities and alarm for those operating in the region.

Since Trump was last in power, U.S. engagement in the Pacific has increased dramatically. We have seen new embassies opened, the return of Peace Corps volunteers, high-level summits in Washington and more. 

All the officials who have been in the region and met with Pacific leaders and thinkers will know that climate change impacts are the name of the game when it comes to security. It is encapsulated in the Boe declaration signed by leaders of the Pacific Islands Forum in 2018 as their number one existential threat and has been restated many times since.

Now it is hard to see how U.S. diplomats and administration representatives can expect to have meaningful conversations with their Pacific counterparts, if they have nothing to offer when it comes to the region’s primary security threat. 

The “on again, off again” approach to cutting carbon emissions and providing climate finance does not lend itself to convincing skeptical Pacific leaders that the U.S. is a trusted friend here for the long haul.

Trump’s climate skepticism is well-known and the withdrawal from Paris had been flagged during the campaign. The response from leaders within the Pacific islands region has been somewhat muted, with a couple of exceptions. 

Vanuatu Attorney General Kiel Loughman called it out as “bad behavior”. Meanwhile, Papua New Guinea’s Prime Minister James Marape has sharply criticized Trump, “urging” him to reconsider his decision to withdraw from the Paris agreement, and plans to rally PIF leaders to stand with him. It is hard to see how this will have much effect.

The withdrawal from the World Health Organization – to which the U.S. provides US$500 million or about 15% of its annual budget – creates a deep funding gap. In 2022 the Lowy Pacific aid map recorded that the WHO disbursed US$9.1 million in the Pacific islands across 320 projects. It contributes to important programs that support health systems in the region.

In addition, the 90-day pause on disbursement of aid funding whilst investments are reviewed to ensure that they align with the president’s foreign policy is causing confusion and distress in the region. 

Perhaps now the time has come to adopt a more transactional approach. Whilst this may not come easily to Pacific diplomats, the reality is that this is how everyone else is acting and it appears to be the geopolitical language of the moment. So where the U.S. seeks a security agreement or guarantee, there may be an opportunity to tie it to climate change or other meaningful commitments.

When it comes to the PIF, the intergovernmental body representing 18 states and territories, Trump’s stance may pose a particular problem. The PIF secretariat is currently undertaking a Review of Regional Architecture. As part of that, dialogue partners including the U.S. are making cases for whether they should be ranked as “Strategic Partners” [Tier 1] or “Sector Development Partners [Tier 2]. 

It is hard to see how the U.S. can qualify for “strategic partner” status given Trump’s rhetoric and actions in the last week. But if the U.S. does not join that club, it is likely to cede space to China which is also no doubt lobbying to be at the “best friends” table.

With the change in president comes the new Secretary of State Marco Rubio. He was previously known for having called for the U.S. to cut all its aid to Solomon Islands when then Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare announced this country’s switch in diplomatic ties from Taiwan to the People’s Republic of China. 

It is to be hoped that since then Rubio has learned that this type of megaphone diplomacy is not welcome in this part of the world. Since taking office, he has made little mention of the Pacific islands region. In a call with New Zealand Foreign Minister Winston Peters they “discussed efforts to enhance security cooperation, address regional challenges, and support the Pacific Islands.”

It is still early days, a week is a long time in politics and there remain many “unknown unknowns”. What we do know is that what happens in Washington during the next four years will have global impacts, including in the Pacific. The need now for strong Pacific leadership and assertive diplomacy has never been greater.


Tess Newton Cain is a Principal Consultant at Sustineo P/L and adjunct Associate Professor at the Griffith Asia Institute. She is a former lecturer at the University of the South Pacific and has over 25 years of experience working in the Pacific islands region. The views expressed here are hers, not those of BenarNews/RFA.


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