Islamic State Expects War Against India, New IS Book Claims

BenarNews Staff
151203-BD-isbook-620 This screen grab shows the cover photo for an e-book presumably published by IS and titled “Black Flags from the Islamic State 2016.”

A new book, presumably released by the Islamic State (IS), claims the terror outfit has had India on its radar for attacks, and goads Indian Muslims to wage jihad against their “Hindu nationalist” government.

The book is a direct threat to the nation that must not be taken lightly, security experts warn.

The 130-page e-book, titled “Black Flags from the Islamic State 2016,” says IS has intended to wage war against India and neighboring Bangladesh since its inception in June 2014.

“(IS) would now expand into the Philippines, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan … and would gain many supporters from across Europe and America and Canada,” claims the book, which became available for a free download on online jihadist platforms on Tuesday.

Although Bangladeshi officials have repeatedly denied reports that IS has a foothold in their country, the group has claimed responsibility for recent attacks on foreigners, including the murders of an Italian aid worker and a Japanese farmer, as well as attacks targeting members of Bangladesh’s Shiite minority.

Indian security analysts said the content of the book, written in English, seemed like a logical evolution of the organization’s original agenda.

“The ISIS threat to India precedes this particular book,” Sameer Patil, a Mumbai-based counter-terrorism expert, told BenarNews, using another acronym for the militant group. “In mid-2014, (IS chief) Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had talked about global jihad, including against India.

“This book may be in English, but one has to remember that the focus of ISIS in India, just as its competitor al-Qaeda, has been on those who are English-educated and who are aware of global developments and ISIS’s global jihad.”

T.K. Dey, retired commandant of India’s Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), agreed.

“If you look at the Indians who have joined the IS or the al-Qaeda, all of them are well educated. So it is no surprise the IS is publishing its manifestos in English to lure potential fighters from the sub-continent,” Dey told BenarNews.

“The book is a direct threat to India and should be dealt with seriously,” he said.

According to intelligence reports, 23 Indians have left the country to fight for IS in Iraq and Syria, of which six have died. Some 30 others have been prevented from joining the terror group, while about 150 are under surveillance for showing sympathy toward IS.

Book brands Hindu nationalists as ‘Muslim haters’

The book, which traces the history of modern-day jihad, from the formation of al-Qaeda in 1989 to the war in Iraq following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks – which it claims resulted in the birth of the IS – warns Muslims in India that their government is gearing up for war against them.

“People are not satisfied with neutral governments anymore because people are getting poorer and their government’s promises seem empty. People want something new, so they are turning to right-wing groups which are racist or ultra nationalist who promise to return the rich days back to their people.

It calls Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi a rightwing Hindu nationalist who worships weapons and is preparing his people for war against Muslims.

In India, the book goes on to add, “A movement of Hindus is growing who kill Muslims who eat beef (cow meat). The people who fund these organizations want to grow a huge following of Islam-haters who can turn into potential recruits for future wars in their countries.”

The book refers to a recent incident in the outskirts of Delhi where a Muslim man was lynched over rumors that he had eaten beef.

“They have a political wing for the propaganda to get more recruits, and armed militias who can start a terror campaign against their number 1 enemy – the Muslims.”

The book says that in the future, the IS battle will wage war in every country.

“They will fight the New World Order in every land and every place. The peak of this war against the New World Order will be the battle against al-Dajjal (the Antichrist),” it says.

“You will be sucked into the New World Order if you stay in your comfort zone and accept submission to the oppressors, or you can emigrate and fight to defend your religion and your life.”

Adeel Shah contributed to this report.


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